Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hammer Nutrition has been supplying endurance athletes with top of the line sports drinks, electrolites, gels, and supplements since 1992. Their business has grown mostly on athlete referrals rather than distribution through retail outlets. So the success of their products has lead to their widespread use in cycling, triathalons, adventure sports, and ultra trail running. As part of their referral program, if I refer you to them, you get a 15% discount on your first order and I get a credit for future products. It's a win-win for both of us!

To take advantage of this offer, first visit Hammer Nutrition and see what products they have that may be of interest to you. I suggest checking out the Kits, the best way to start out with Hammer Nutrition is either the Short Course Fueling Starter Kit or the Long Course Fueling Starter Kit. Not only do you get the all the products you need for fueling, you also get a flask, purse, and water bottle, and most importantly, the informative fueling handbook. If you are also interested in Supplements, check out the Daily Essentials Kit. Their Tissue Rejuvinator has helped me recover from injuries twice!
Bet you didn't know you can also get Race Ready shorts and Patagonia tops with the same discount. I use Race Ready shorts all the time. The pockets are perfect for holding gels, bars, e-caps, gloves, empty gels(keep trails clean!) and keys!

To get your 15% discount
click here
Fill up your shopping cart and continue on through checkout. When you get to the question "Where did you recently hear about us?", check the option "Referral from Friend" and click the Continue Checkout button. When you get to the payment page, continue down to the Referral Reward section, then in the Friends Customer Number # box, enter 72672 . That's it! You'll get a 15% discount!

I've been using Hammer products for a couple of years and found them to really deliver with out upsetting my system during ultra events. Give them a try, you'll be happy you did!